“Ready Play” golf is probably the most important element to fast play for walkers.  Given that it takes walkers a bit longer to reach their golf balls, one has to be ready to go.  Here are some suggestions for speeding things up. Some of them are obvious, but it does not hurt to be reminded once in a while.

  • Keep an eye on where your ball went so you can easily find it.  Look for objects nearby or in-line with the direction of the ball.
  • As you approach your ball, look for distance markers so you can accurately “Step Out” your distance.  (on your way to the ball)
  • Since you know or have a general idea of your distance, mentally select whichever club(s) you would need to play the shot before you reach your ball.
  • As you locate the ball, check the lie so you can confirm your club selection.
  • Check where your playing partners are, alert them that you are ready, and play your shot.
  • “Honors” – to speed up the game even more, especially on the fairways, drop the honors and play when ready.

These suggestions should definitely help you speed up play so you can keep your round under four hours.

Let us know other ideas that you use to keep the pace during.